Immigrant Scholars in Rhetoric, Composition, and Communication: Memoirs of a First Generation

Immigrant Scholars in Rhetoric, Composition, and Communication: Memoirs of a First Generation. Letizia Guglielmo, and Sergio F. Figuereido, eds. NCTE, 2019
Available at NCTEAmazon, and other online retailers.

This collection of essays traces the experiences of first-generation immigrant scholars in rhetoric, composition, and communication and how those experiences shape individual academic identity and, in turn, the teaching of writing and rhetoric. In addition to exploring how literacy is always complex, situational, and influenced by multiple and diverse identities, individual essays narrate the ways in which teacher-scholars negotiate multiple identities and liminal spaces while often navigating insider-outsider status as students, teachers, and professionals. As they extend current and ongoing conversations within the field, contributors consider how these experiences shape their individual literacies and understanding of literacy; how their literacy experiences lie at the intersections of gender, race, class, and public policy; and how these experiences often provide the motivation to pursue an academic career in rhetoric, composition, and communication.